360 Bandit
Perfect nitrogen placement for more efficient uptake
360 Wave
Enhanced seed-trench closing with rapid starter uptake
360 Sprint
Nitrogen on the go. More acres per hour, day, and season
360 Tanks
Capacity and balance for in-field productivity
360 Y-Drop
More bushels, less nitrogen
360 Y-Drop Sidedress
Replace coulters for better uptake, more bushels
360 Guide
The simple solution for steering in tall crops
360 Glide
Gain control and reduce fatigue
360 Soilscan
Measure nitrate levels to maximize nitrogen efficiency
360 Undercover
Target pests and diseases at the source
360 Chainroll
Unlock the nutrients trapped in corn residue
360 Yield Saver
Cuts header loss up to 85%
360 Bullet
Full fracture and unrestricted root access
360 Equi-Flow
Boost anhydrous ammonia row-to-row accuracy
360 Drag Chain
Reduce the risks of an open seed and fertilizer trench