NACHURS imPulse is a premium 100% orthophosphate in-furrow liquid fertilizer that contains NACHURS Bio-K technology, the most plant available source of potassium. Highly available phosphate and potassium promotes improved early season plant health and increased stress tolerance. Specially formulated for corn and wheat crops, NACHURS imPulse offers quick and uniform plant emergence which aides in achieving maximum yield potential.
NACHURS Triple Option
NACHURS Triple Option is a versatile NPKS liquid fertilizer that contains 100% orthophosphate, sulfur, and NACHURS Bio-K technology, the most plant available source of potassium. NACHURS Triple Option is a high orthophosphate fertilizer offering immediate nutrient availability. Adapted for use on all crops, NACHURS Triple Option offers the flexibility for in-furrow, foliar, fertigation, and transplant applications. It is also compatible with many crop protection products and other crop technologies, aligning to promote crop yield and quality.
NACHURS CropMax liquid fertilizer is manufactured with 100% fully EDTA chelated copper, manganese, iron, and zinc. Unlike other micronutrient sources such as complexes, partial chelates, and natural organic complexes, NACHURS EDTA chelated micronutrients are 100% available to the crop. Other micro sources contain too little complexing agent and undergo major chemical changes, delivering significantly less micronutrient in a form available for plant uptake. While these sources of micros may offer cost savings at first, they can actually create deficiencies for lack of availability.
Foliar, Side Dress, In-Furrow
NACHURS Balance is a new and improved plant nutrition product for both soil and foliar application. It is comprised of available phosphorus in orthophosphate form as well as micronutrients (B, Co, Mo) that are involved in such things as cell division, sugar transport, and nitrogen assimilation. NACHURS Balance also contains and is powered by the most soluble and available form of potassium on the market today: NACHURS® Bio-K®.
NACHURS Finish Line
NACHURS Finish Line is a uniquely balanced foliar product with low use rates that have a proven record of increasing ROI on many crops. This foliar product is manufactured with the highest quality raw materials containing plant available orthophosphate, fully chelated micronutrients, surfactants, compatibility agents and organic acids as well as the latest potassium technology: NACHURS Bio-K. This ensures compatibility with most crop protection products and provides the best available nutrients essential for maximizing yield potential.*
NACHURS K-fuel is powered by the highest concentration of NACHURS Bio-K technology available, the most available source of potassium. There is a need for additional potassium in most fertility programs due to low soil test levels caused by higher crop yields that are removing more potassium than is being replaced. NACHURS K-fuel is uniquely suited for specialty crops where unique crop quality and plant health characteristics are important.
There is a need for additional potassium in most fertility programs due to low soil test levels caused by higher crop yields that are removing more potassium than is being replaced. NACHURS K-flex fertilizer is designed to be blended with various fertilizer products to provide additional potassium and sulfur needed to promote high yielding crops. It can be mixed with APP (i.e. 10-34-0), UAN solutions and liquid urea solutions to build more balanced treatments and address known deficiencies.
NACHURS® 10% Boron
Boron is vital to the growth and development of the plant. Without adequate boron, new growth ceases. It is necessary in the pollination and seed production stages. Boron is essential for maintaining a balance between sugars and starches. A small amount of Boron is beneficial to plants but too much can be toxic to plants.
Zinc is necessary for starch formation and proper root development. It is also essential for seed formation and maturity. The most common symptom of zinc deficiency is interveinal chlorosis on older leaves with shortening of the internodal area. This shortening often results in a short compressed plant with a rosetted appearance.